Getting Started In Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Working on laptop from bed, with phone, notes and a cup of coffee

Here’s a little transparency, my website contains affiliate links. This means if you click and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. Don’t worry, there’s no extra cost to you. It’s a simple way you can support my mission to bring you quality content. 

By Jena, Your Helping-Hand Affiliate🤝

Pondering the idea of working from home in affiliate marketing for a side income?

Did you make that decision yet? If you haven’t, I do encourage you to at least consider it. With continous rising costs and the uncertainty of almost everything these days, it can give you some extra income and a little bit more peace of mind. If anything happened to your current job, you will have a job you can do from home (or anywhere you choose with internet connection) to fall back on.

So what is affiliate marketing exactly? It’s where you, the affiliate, earn a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products or services. You get paid when your marketing efforts result in a sale.

Now, affiliate marketing can take on several forms. For starters, there’s the pay-per-click model, where earnings are based on the number of visitors you direct to the merchant’s website. Then there’s the pay-per-lead setup that rewards you for referred visitors who provide their contact information. And the most common of all, the pay-per-sale model offers you a commission on sales made through your referral links. The pay-per-sale model is the one I’m currently working with.

So what does the process look like in the beginning with affiliate marketing? Keep reading!

Setting Up Your Affiliate Marketing Foundation

Choose reliable hosting

Now this is really important! You need a reliable platform that will ensure consistent website availability for fast loading time, robust security, scalability, technical support, and SEO benefits…things that will offer you, as a website owner, PEACE OF MIND for you and your visitors! Your website is your business, so a reliable platform is CRUCIAL! A reliable platform is going to significantly improve your chances of success! The platform that I use and highly recommend is Wealthy Affiliate. I’ll provide you their link:

Here’s a little transparency, our website contains affiliate links. This means if you click and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission. Don’t worry, there’s no extra cost to you. It’s a simple way you can support our mission and bring you quality content.


After you choose your hosting platform, you’re going to need proper training. Wealthy Affiliate will provide step-by-step training to get your business up and running. They will give you the training to do this along with all these next steps.

Choose a niche

This is one of the first things you will do, and the most important. Your niche is what you will build your business around. A niche is the product or service that you’re going to promote. Of course this isn’t about picking products randomly, it’s about selecting a niche that resonates with you, and one that you’re passionate about. You want to choose affiliate programs that align with your values and are relevant to the audience you’re targeting. By targeting a specific area, you can tailor your marketing efforts to a defined audience, increasing the likelihood of success. Don’t necessarily just look at what the commissions will be. Although that can be important, I think it’s more important that you pick a niche that you are really interested in. Because let’s face it, if you pick a niche solely off commissions with little to no interest in the niche, you’re not going to want to work. If you love what you do though, it’s not going to even feel like work!

Shows a laptop and coffee on a table with someone writing on paper

Choose a brand

This is going to be your website name. Check for the availability of a matching domain name (.com) for your brand. You want them to match up or be closely related as possible. This will strengthen your brand identity, credibility and online visibility.

Choose an affiliate company

When you figure out what kind of product or service you want to promote, you then need to choose a company that has an affiliate program that you can work with to promote it. When you choose a company, you want to consider your interests, expertise and target audience.

When choosing, here are some things to consider: make sure the company has high quality products, and services, good customer reviews, and has an overall good reputation. This will establish trust with your customers.

You also want to make sure the company’s values align with your principles and beliefs. You have to believe in the company you partner with, if you want to be successful in promoting their products to others. Remember, your reputation as an affiliate, closely ties to the company you promote. Choose wisely, and prioritize integrity and trustworthiness.

See my article to help you get started with an affiliate marketplace program:

How To Find The Best Affiliate Programs In Your Niche

Start building your website

Now you are going to start putting content on your website. Quality content is non-negotiable. It establishes your expertise and authority, which are pillars of trust. Identify your target audience and create high quality and engaging content that solves their problems and answers their questions, all while subtly integrating your affiliate products and links. Building an audience means understanding who they are and what they’re looking for. 

For more on building out your website, see my article:   (See STEP 2 within the article).

Getting Started With An Online Business

Implementing Key Marketing Strategies


Now, let’s focus on how you can get people to actually see your content. This is where SEO, or search engine optimization, is going to come into play. It’s all about optimizing your content to rank higher in search engine results, which is crucial for organic reach. You’re have to strategically use keywords and content, and use affiliate inks.

Look at creating a balance of content like blog posts, videos, pictures, links, and etc., that not only attract visitors but also encourage them to make purchases through your affiliate links.

You want to provide great content that resonates with your audience, adds value, and encourages meaningful interactions. Offer practical solutions, and prioritize quality and relevance. It’s about providing value to your visitors because it’s so important for them to keep coming back.

Email marketing

Email marketing helps to nurture your relationships with your audience. It’s about getting the right offers in front of the right people at the right time. Create lists and craft emails that encourage clicks without being spammy.

Social media

Social media can be a game changer. You may want to leverage different platforms, such as Facebook, UTube, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and TikTok to create a community around your niche. It could also mean a significant boost for your affiliate products visibility and credibility. Try different ones to see what works for you and the niche you’re promoting.  

Tracking Success and Scaling Up

When you start out in affiliate marketing, don’t worry too much about the numbers. Initially, it’s all about laying the groundwork and learning what resonates with your audience . Remember, this takes time! But as you gain experience, it’s crucial to start tracking your success. So, what does that entail?

Affiliate marketing analytics. This will help you understand which products are selling, where most of your traffic is coming from, and what content is performing best. These numbers and insights can guide your future efforts.

Setting realistic goals is key. This could mean aiming for a certain number of sales in your first few months, or targeting a steady increase in website visitors. Most likely you will not meet your goals at first, but use these early experiences as learning opportunities. You’ll get there! Just stay persistant and don’t quit! Just keep tweaking your content, testing different marketing tactics, and refining your approach as needed to engage your audience.

When you start seeing success and have some experience, you might want to think about expanding your niche or exploring new affiliate opportunities. There’s a lot of opportunity in branching out, but choose something that resonates with you and your audience. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where your passion and profitability align.

Ultimately, affiliate marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. With patience and persistence, you can scale up your efforts and potentially turn a modest beginning into a flourishing online business. So keep at it, adjust your strategies, as needed, and who knows? The possibilities are as vast as your commitment.

If you would like to start your online business in affiliate marketing for FREE to check it out and see if it’s for you, click this link:

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Here’s Prowler working at the beach today…at least he looks like he’s working. Hmmmm… Actually, I think he’s just looking to see what he can criticize me on. Y’all know he audits me if you’ve been following along. If you haven’t met Prowler before now, click the 3 bars at the top of the page and then “Start here” to see what his role is here. You can meet him within the post it takes you to. He’s a little sassy though, just so you know.

Tell me what you think about this post, Getting Started In Affiliate Marketing For Beginners, and leave a comment below! Would love to hear any thoughts, ideas, suggestions or questions you may have! Or contact me at:

Peace be with you and remember:

GOD LOVES YOU!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Jena 🌻🪻🌸

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